Reading Time: 4 minutes

Lesson Plan Outline:

Title of Lesson: James the Conqueror and the Jews in the Crown of Aragon
Name: Mateya Tomasino Age Group: Grade 11 & 12

1. Learning Objectives: What do I want the students to learn?

Students will acquire basic knowledge about James I of Aragon and his relationship with the Jews in the Crown of Aragon through a podcast and a primary source evaluation. They will learn about the complexity and diversity of medieval history through the podcast, and then engage and learn how to examine and critically think about a primary source document. This lesson will prepare students for post-secondary history courses by engaging their critical thinking skills and providing them with a basic foundation for analyzing primary sources, such as supplying them with some questions to use when examining documents. 

2. Assessment: How will the students show their learning and how will I determine if it was successful?

How will the students demonstrate their learning?

Students will demonstrate their learning by answering questions based on the podcast, and their analysis of the primary source. The analysis of the primary source will also be guided by questions.

How will I track their success?

Students success will be tracked by completion of the questions on the worksheets provided, and if the answers to the questions are supported properly by evidence in the document or podcast. For questions whose answers are more option based, successful students will need to demonstrate effort and present thoughtful answers.

3. Prerequisite Knowledge: What do the students need to know before we start?

Students ideally will have taken previous social studies courses to lay a foundation for the examination of history. Context and other information will be provided in the podcast.

4. Supplies Needed:  What supplies do I need for this lesson?

This lesson requires a device to play the podcast for the students and the worksheets with the questions and primary source document to distribute to the students.

5. Layout of Lesson:

First, students will listen to the podcast, then answer the question from Part A of the worksheet. Then, student will read the primary source in Part B of the worksheet and answer the subsequent questions. This worksheet will then be handed in for marking. 

Total Allotted Time: 75 mins (12 mins for the podcast, and 60 mins to complete the worksheet).

Set Up:

What do I need to do prior to beginning my lesson?

Set up the chosen device to play the podcast and distribute the worksheets to students. 

How will I attract the attention of the students and make this learning worthwhile?

I will explain to students how this podcast will explore a priming ruler and his complex relationships with the Jews under his rule. I will also explain how the skills they will use in this exercise will be useful for any post-secondary history courses.

How will I present the information they need to learn?

The information the need to learn will be presented in the form of a podcast and a worksheet. 

How will the students demonstrate their learning?

Students will demonstrates their learning through their answers to the questions on the worksheet.

How will I end the activity?

The activity will be concluded with the completion of the worksheet. Additionally, if the students are interested,  we can also concluded with a short discussion of what they learned.
Review and Summary:

How will I summarize the learning and affirm that the students understood?

The learning will be summarized and the proof of the students comprehension will be done through the worksheet. Students will also be welcomed to ask any question about he topic in the podcast or primary source analyses. This exercise is not meant to be a test of students knowledge, but more of an introduction to source analyses and method to gauge where students are in their understanding of them. Therefore, their answers on the worksheet will confirm whether or not the students understood this type of thinking and how to do a primary source analysis. 






“48. The Christian Conquest of Valencia (1238).” In Medieval Iberia: readings from Christian, Muslims, and Jewish Sources, edited by Olivia Remie Constable, 2nd ed., 273-278. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012.

Barton, Thomas W. Contested Treasure: Jews and Authority in the Crown of Aragon. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2015. 

Burns, Robert I., S. J. “The Role of Kings and Courts.” In Jews in the Notarial Culture: Latinate Wills in Mediterranean Spain, 1250–1350. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996.

“James I of Aragon.” Wikipedia. Accessed May 14, 2021. 

Klein, Elka. Jews, Christian Society, and Royal Power in Medieval Barcelona. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2009.

“Medieval Sourcebook: Royal Grants to the Jewish Community of Barcelona, 1241-1271.” Internet Medieval Sourcebook. Accessed May 27, 2021.

Sánchez, Manuel, Ángel Sesma Muñoz, and Antoni Furió. “Old and New Forms of Taxation in the Crown of Aragon (13th-14th Centuries).” In La Fiscalità Nell’economia Europe Secc. XIII-XVIII, edited by Simonetta Cavaciocchi, 99-103. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2008.

Vose, Robin. “Destroying Error.” In Dominicans, Muslims and Jews in the Medieval Crown of Aragon, 165-191. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Wessell Lightfoot, Dana. “Conquest, Colonization, and the Formation of a Plural Society.” Lecture presented online through the University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, BC, June 1, 2021.

Wessell Lightfoot, Dana. “Fragmentation: Christian Northern Kingdoms and Muslim Taifas Kingdoms.” Lecture presented online through the University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, BC, May 25, 2021.

Wessell Lightfoot, Dana. “Kingship and Institutions in the 13th century.” Lecture presented online through the University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, BC, June 3, 2021.