Reading Time: 3 minutes

Lesson Plan Outline:

Title of Lesson: Wet-Nursing in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth-Century of Medieval Spain
Name: Brooke Behiel Age Group: Grade 10


  1. Learning Objectives: What do I want the students to learn?


  • Describe what a wet-nurse is and explain their role.
  • Explain who hired/purchased wet-nurses, and the reason for having one.
  • What were the qualifications for becoming a wet nurse?
  • Describe the morals of being a wet-nurse.
  • Explain the transition of hiring employed wet-nurses to purchasing enslaved women to become wet-nurses.




  1. Assessment: How will the students show their learning and how will I determine if it was successful?
How will the students demonstrate their learning?


After the lecture I will go around the class and ask each student to say one thing that they learned or found interesting.


I will do activities after the lecture to help engage the students in their learning by incorporating different types of learning styles.









How will I track their success?


I will allow students to ask questions throughout the lecture and I will also make time for any questions/clarifications at the end of the lecture.


I will print out a worksheet with the learning objectives that are discussed at the beginning of the lecture and get the students to work on this activity after the lecture.


I will then do a Kahoot game with questions about wet nursing to test their knowledge.


I will break the class into small groups to review the learning objective assignment with each other and discuss any further thoughts.



  1. Prerequisite Knowledge: What do the students need to know before we start?


This lesson is for a Grade 10 class therefore this is an introduction to some historical events. At this point some student may have some general historical knowledge, but for the most part this information will be new to most students and will be an introduction to Medieval Spain history. There are no requirements for any prerequisite knowledge.



  1. Supplies Needed: What supplies do I need for this lesson?


-PowerPoint presentation


-Printer to print off learning objective assignment

-Kahoot game prepared

-Students phone to play Kahoot game and school computers for those who do not have a phone



  1. Layout of Lesson:

Total Allotted Time:

Set Up:

What do I need to do prior to beginning my lesson?






Ā Set up PowerPoint presentation on projector.

Prepare Kahoot game for students.

Gather small prizes for students for Kahoot game.

Print off learning objective assignment.


How will I attract the attention of the students and make this learning worthwhile?






To hook my audience, I will do a small activity. I will section the white board into two parts. One section will be titled ā€œI thinkā€ and the other section will be titled ā€œI wonderā€. I will give every student two sticky notes and they will write what they think wet nursing is, and one thing that they wonder about wet nursing. This activity will get the class thinking/wondering about what is going to discussed in the lecture.


Throughout the lecture I have also included two slides with primary source documents. I will discuss these documents with the class and explain to them how these are original documents from the medieval period about wet nurses.


How will I present the information they need to learn?






I will present the information through a PowerPoint presentation. This type of learning will be beneficial to both visual, and auditory learners. I will go through the PowerPoint explaining each slide as well as provide visual representations to keep the class engaged.

How will the students demonstrate their learning?





I will provide a learning objective assignment for students to complete. This will be beneficial for reading/writing learners. After most students have completed the assignment, I will do a Kahoot game with small prizes for the top three winners. This will promote classroom discussion and will help engage the class in their learning with a fun activity.

How will I end the activity?







-Learning objective activity

-Kahoot game following the learning objective activity with some prizes such as candy for the top three winners.


Review and Summary:

How will I summarize the learning and affirm that the students understood?






Ā At the end of class I will break the students into groups of four for a discussion period with their peers. Some students may be uncomfortable asking questions in front of the entire class, so this will provide a space where students can get clarification from each other and ask questions amongst their group. At this time students can compare their learning objective worksheet with each other. I will also go around to each group and see how they are doing.

Powerpoint slides for lesson plan:Ā Wet-Nursing in Thirteenth and Fourteenth-Century Spain